Monday, January 21, 2008

Your patience has been rewarded!

Thanks for being patient with us as we waited for our new year's yarn shipments to arrive. Over 20 new yarns arrived today! Check out this new sock yarn! There are over 12 colorways to choose from to warm your chilly toes this winter! New to socks? We have open class time every Saturday from 10-noon to help you on any knitting project. Come by, say hi, & check out the new yarn!

We really do LOVE our customers! As part of our fall in love with knitting sale (Feb. 11-15th) send us an email (or post to this blog) with a photo of something you've knitted with yarn from Unraveled. We'll post your submissions to our blog to inspire other knitters and send you a coupon for additional savings during our February Sale! (send emails to Jill (

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